The reason that has pushed us to begin this space devoted to the biological agriculture more than every other, is the affirmation of the ecological principles that preside and exalt the “taste” and the same nature of the products we eat and of which we still succeed to distinguish the “true” taste; the taste of the earth from which we originate!! We also would like to destroy the myth, according to which, the products obtained through chemical synthetic practices is the purest or exempted by pathologies and heavy metals , as if they were the maximum expression of the scientific progress. Well my thought, as also the one which is diffused in the last years in scientific \ medical field, is that these same chemical technologies are being shown injurious of the quality of the crops, as also of the health of the final consumer, not to speak then of the consequences at a the global level and the suffering of the earth. A futurist vision of this systematic approach that chemistry uses, presages to a total loss of the taste and of the nourishing value expressed by the degree BRIX( concentration of nourishing substances in the vegetables). Who ever said in front of a watery tomato of the supermarket; “It has no taste!! “.. Well, who has an home and biological little garden can understand me very well, because he knows and appreciates that rural and intense tastes that he wants.
The idea to rediscover, with the new technologies, the secret contained in the ancient agricultural practices and the true tastes expressed by our vegetables it is not able to favour an acknowledge in the scientific conscience of the real effectiveness of the half sustainable echoes, frustrating so the attempts to bury ancient cultures in name of the modernization and the practicality.
After this brief premise we will go, in this first part of our adventure, to shortly and schematically enunciate the real availabilities, put in field by nature and by the talent of the man (cunning), for the biological farmer even if he is an amatorily one or the most demanding of the professionals in agricultural field. We immediately say that really there are a lot of choices; both for all the answers that we look for the dedicated fertilization, and also for the necessities of enrichment any demand we have for the defence from parasites and pathologies or also for possible corrections of the biochemical situation of the ground (Ph, relation C\N, airing, cationic exchange, bacterium, enzymes ,etc. etc.). I say this to explain to the passionate and conscious “growers that there are a lot of products “Really Biological” that work very well, and sometimes better, of theirs homologous chemists or of the myriads of products envoys on the market to disorientate the consumer to the goals of the marketing, and to induce him to the buy of a multiplicity of bottles of which he even doesn’t know the nature and sometimes not even the composition. Therefore we will do a clean distinction among the products:
– mineral
– synthetic
– of organic origin: Natural extracted and Not
– organic fermented
– organic solid
Of which the last two groups are those in which we are particularly interested, and are those approved in biological agriculture to the senses of the regulation community EEC 2091\92 and that in some countries are more restrictive and in others less (we will deepen in this issue in the following articles).
This distinction will serve to make consumers still shinier and conscious and so to bring them to knowledge:
1) of what is really under the world of the fertilizers or pesticides we have on the market
2) of what we are indeed giving to our plants
3) of what things are really biological or less deleting in this way myriads of “cunning allusions from label.”
In the chart that follows we will find, as anticipated in precedence, a clear summary picture of the elements required by the plants for their metabolism or their defence, the general functions that they develops and a distinction among the proposals of the biological panorama compared with those of the synthetic chemical world for an effective systematic approach to the matter.
NITROGEN | CO(NH2)2-N03-NH2 | Blood, cornunghia | RISE |
PHOSPHOR | K2O (OXIDE) | Bat-guano,phosphates | FLOWERING |
POTASSIUM | P20 (OXIDE) | Borlande,cinders | FLOWERING |
CALCIUM | Ca chelato | Dolomia,litotamnio | STRUCTURE |
IRON | Fe chelato | Blood, manure | METABOLISM |
MAGNESIUM | MgO oxide | Algas ,dolomia | METABOLISM |
MICRO-ELEMENTS | Cu,Mn,Bo,Zn,etc | Zeolit,algas. | METABOLISM |
AMINO ACID | Extraction | Blood,carniccio. | COMMUNICATION |
PROTEINS | Extraction | Blood,carniccio. | COMMUNICATION |
VITAMINS | Synthesis | Algas,ferments | METABOLISM |
HORMONES (CRE-FIO) | Synthesis | Algas,ferments | METABOLIC SIGN |
FULVIC/HUMIC ACID | Extraction | Algas,ferments, leonardite | METABOLIC COMMUNICATION |
TO LIFT PH | Hyproxides | Cinder/Calcium | CORRECTION |
TO DROP PH | Nitric Acid | Lemon Juice, sulfate | CORRECTION |
This chart will be in practice a point of reference when we will make sign to a particular situation or to a phase of the cycle(radication, growth, flowering, defence) and we will go to deepen the matter in more exhaustive way showing the situations in which we can incur and talking about the most suitable products to employ worthily without resorting to the aid of the chemistry.
Then it will be simpler than as it can seem in appearance, to resort to this fabulous magic that the nature offers us, and extremely enthusiastic to gather its differences in the tastes and in the substance with the techniques of crop used up to now with the traditional fertilizers. We will be able in a next future to really tell goodbye the “tilt of the grower” because we won’t require products that simulate the life in the ground with the synthetic artifice, nor we will require anymore continuous corrections of the pH of the solution and not even the addition of so many bottles simultaneously (thing that more than every other confuses the grower when it throws the sums on his operation). All this because the miraculous trial that happens during the fermentation and the decomposition of the organic material contains in itself this whole precious job that the nature develops and effects for us. Enzymes, bacteria and micro-organisms, that come lost, or loose their vitality during the processes of chemical extraction, now have their maximum expression in the fermented biological fertilizers. Equally, they can follow in order of quality the cold extracts of the cellular of alga, blood, carniccio etc., then they come for last, but not for this for less, the palletises and the organic flour; composed or buckets (bat-guano, humus, manure, pollen etc.) the only difference is in the fact that the first ones are more suits and “vital” under the nutritional profile and more rapid for their greater effectiveness having already been fermented during the process of production.
We will then deepen the various aspects and the contents of the materials or the products enunciated in this first session, because is very important to know previously the elements that we want to bring, without then to incur in of the errors of super-dosing or errors of wrong bring for the phase that interests us in a determined moment.
Goodbye to the next number where we will examine the first footstep for an optimal result of the cultivation; that is to say the substrata of cultivation, the ammendantis, the inactive ones and the irrigation water.
Published on Dolce Vita International 1